RXLib instructions In your Delphi 7 folder create a new subfolder called components . In this new folder unzip the RxLIB.zip . In this zip file you will see 4 folders called dcu, Units, Help, Demos and two files dclrx70.bpl and Rxctl70.bpl . You move this 2 files into the Bin folder of Delphi 7. For your convenience all the necessary dcu files are compiled and put in dcu folder. All the necessary source codes and package files are included in the Units folder . But you wont need to compile anything.
In Delphi 7 from component menu select install package. You select only dclRx70.bpl . Now the RxLib can be seen in the component palate. The next you have to do is make sure to update the Delphi 7 search path. The search path should point to the dcu folder only i.e. Delphi7\components\rxlib\dcu Download modified and simpler version of RxLIB |